Eat Berries for Breakfast

Berries are an incredible food, rich in nutrients for our brain, our digestion, and they’re disease-preventative.

Photo by_ alex-block-597468-unsplash.jpg

Photo by_ alex-block-597468-unsplash.jpg

They’re also a fresh source of produce and keep us fuller than processed cereals with dried fruits. Add 1/2 cup of your choice frozen or fresh berries to either a smoothie, oatmeal, or just have some with some unsweetened coconut yogurt and a little chia or flax seeds.

Berries are also a great source of vitamin C to kickstart your immune system.

Pilates can Help with Sciatic Nerve Pain

It's not always possible to prevent sciatica, but practicing a few good habits can play a key role in protecting your back.


Exercise in general is good, but Pilates is excellent in helping bring balance to the muscles of the back, hips, and abdominal muscles to realign the body.

A Pilates session

will teach proper body mechanics to support the body in sitting, standing, and walking.

Functional exercise improves posture, and good body mechanics, which are important to keep your back strong and healthy and reducing the risk of sciatica. 

  • If you stand for extended periods, rest one foot on a low stool or box from time to time. Pay special attention that your hips stay level when doing this.

  •  When lifting heavy objects, bend at the hips and knees making sure to keeping your spine straight and your abdominal muscles pulled in.

  •  Always hold the load close to your body and avoid lifting and twisting at the same time.

  •  Try to maintain a healthy weight

  •  Sit in an upright correct position


How do you manage sciatica? Do you know any other exercises or tricks for dealing with sciatic nerve pain? Tell us in the comments.

Say Hello to H2O

When you're heading off to pilates, yoga, or any other exercise class, it's always important to hydrate so you can stay energized and have your best workout.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Electrolyte-loaded athletic drinks can be a source of unnecessary calories, so drinking water is usually best until you're exercising for more than one hour.

At that point, feel free to go for regular Gatorade-type drinks which can give you a beneficial replenishment boost.

Do you have a favorite athletic drink..share with us in our comment section below.

VOTE P/oP for Best Pilates Studio 2019!

Please take the time to vote for you favorite Pilates Studio.  ( hint.. hint..)

Don’t forget to also vote for your favorite coffee houses, restaurants, etc.. Any businesses you support would appreciate your vote of confidence.

You can vote online at

Or if you prefer you can cast your vote at our studio, we have printed forms for your convenience.

If you missed our blog on Friday with Abby Hanson and her upcoming class with the Yamuna Balls please go on the website and check out further information. Abby is now available for private Yamuna sessions. Look for group classes coming in September.

August and September tend to be the hottest months here in Southern California just a  reminder to stay HYDRATED and use lots of sunscreen if you will be outdoors.

Read more

Get a better waistline...

Add the Mermaid to your workout!

The obliques aid in compressing the abdomen and in forward-bending. They are also the hard workers that help us in side-bending and twisting our torso.

Here is where the mermaid comes in…


The big reason to include oblique work in your workouts is to make sure you have tone and good function in any muscle group—you want the full benefits that muscle group has to offer.

In this case, it's the side bending and twisting ability along with abdominal compression and forward bending. But let's be honest, many people want to make extra sure they get their oblique workouts in because toned obliques make for a nice waistline.

Keep in mind that the obliques work in concert with your other abdominal muscles and really all the muscles of your Pilates powerhouse—abs, back, hips, pelvic floor. It is not recommended to focus just on obliques, but rather obliques in the context of a full-body workout. We want form and function along with a waistline. Making bending and twisting exercises effective and safe to get that oblique workout.

One of the best ways to get your oblique workouts is in a balanced Pilates workout which will always feature twisting and bending exercises.

Schedule a Pilates session with our experienced instructors to help you balance your workout here and at home.

Go to: or log on to Acuity Scheduling

Diamond Down

Pilates Exercise Tips for Strong and Healthy Shoulders

  • Have you ever injured your arms and shoulders?

  • Do carry stress and tension in your neck, upper back?

  • Do you ever notice your shoulders hiked up around your ears?

    It’s not surprising that so many people these days experience one, or all of these shoulder issues.  To maintain our erect human posture we have two options – good core support, or overuse of our arms and shoulders to try and hold us up!

Think of it this way…  You are either like a coat on a hook (shoulders up), or a circus tent with a tall pole up the center and the edges sloping down (core support & shoulders down).  Being like a coat on a hook means lots of neck and shoulder tension.  You might experience more headaches, or be prone to shoulder injuries and rotator cuff problems.  The good news, things can change quickly with the right body awareness, exercises, and improving your posture.

So the first important tip for strong healthy shoulders is to strengthen your core.

  •  The stronger your abs and back are to help keep you sitting and standing with tall posture (like a circus tent) the more your shoulders can relax.

  • But just relaxing your shoulders may not be enough.  Some active work to pull them down away from your ears may be necessary.  One of my favorite cues for strengthening the lower trapezius muscles (the muscles that help to pull the shoulders down) is “Diamond Down.”

The Trapezius

muscle is a broad diamond shaped muscle that has fibers running in three different directions. The upper fibers elevate the shoulders. Middle fibers assist in pulling the shoulder blades together, and the lower fibers draw the shoulder blades down.

Generally speaking, the weakest and most important action for shoulder support and stability is the downward action of the Trapezius, thus my cue of “Diamond Down” when preparing to do any exercise that involves using the shoulders and arms.

Benefits of Strengthening the Lower Trapezius Muscle with “Diamond Down”

  • It places the shoulder joint in a more optimal place for movement of the shoulder and arm during exercise.  Better movement improves strength and flexibility and reduces risk of injury.

  • It provides the counter-leverage  necessary to lengthen and open joint space for the upper thoracic spine, neck and head, which means improved posture and upper spine mobility.

Tips for Practicing “Diamond Down”

  1. Start Standing with good posture and core support.  The upper spine should be slightly curved in its natural position so that the shoulder blades can lay flat on the back.  Just let the arms hang by your sides.

  2. Inhale breathing into the back to lift the ribcage and lengthen the spine, Exhale and from the bottom tips of the shoulder blades and draw the “Diamond Down” gently pulling the shoulder blades down towards the back of your waist.

  3. Repeat this three times,  lifting the spine higher, and deepening the “Diamond Down” contraction. Then release.  Repeat your “Diamond Down” exercise 3-5 times as a warm-up exercise before any other Pilates or gym exercises.  Or do it as a stand-alone exercise a couple of times throughout your day to remind you to keep your shoulders away from your ears!

What to Watch For

  • Be sure as the shoulder blades only pull down, that they don’t pinch together, but stay flat on the ribcage.

  • Watch your posture, allow the blades to move, and keep the rest of the body still.

  • Make sure the lower abdominals are lifting for core support and remain lifted while you draw your “Diamond” down.

Get More Core

Good Pilates exercise techniques makes a healthy body.  If you have a weak core, chances are your shoulders like to be hiked up around your ears.  With a strong center it’s much easier to improve shoulder mechanics, reduce joint pain, and maximize your Pilates workouts.  Doing the right exercises to strengthen your abdominals and back, along with practicing your “Diamond” down shoulder blade cue and you’ll be off to a great start for developing strong and healthy arms and shoulders with any and all of the exercises you do.


 © MMVIII-MMXIII, Aliesa George and Centerworks©. Used by Permission. Originally posted on



Workout Motivation

Motivation Boosters can be difficult to tap into…

Try these 5 green light tactics,

now; Whatever the reason, they can help you continue or even start exercising when it feels impossible.

  1. Invest money. Money has a way of changing your perspective because no one wants to waste it. Think of it as the best kind of investment—in your health. Start small and grow into group or duet classes that are cost savings.

  2. Schedule it. Setting and maintaining a consistent exercise schedule turns it into part of your day. In other words, prioritize working out as if it were a doctor’s appointment, no skipping allowed. Just remember that it’s important to make a schedule that’s realistic and can be maintained.

  3. Add Variety. If you dread your sweat sessions, get creative and try something new. It could be that you just haven’t found your workout motivation sweet spot yet. Love cardio? Look into spinning or boxing. Want to tone, strengthen and tighten? Try a Pilates class.

  4. Workout with a Partner. Working out with a friend creates accountability—it’s harder to bail when you know you’ll be letting someone else down by not showing up. Bonus: research has shown that exercising with a partner can push you to work harder during the sweat session, and it’s bound to be way more fun, too.

  5. Treat yourself (post-workout). Choose something to serve as a reward after working out (skip the ice cream). Think along the lines of a warm shower followed by a great face mask, or bigger treats for hitting specific goals.Think of something that really resonates with you, personally, that makes you proud of keeping your focus and working towards those bigger health and fitness goals.

Featured Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

Workout Dedication

it’s not always easy to stay focused to your workout practice but here at P/oP we are dedicated to you and your practice.

Our studio promotes physical and mental well-being through tailored exercises in both private and group classes. Call (626)765-6500 or email us to schedule an appointment with one of our wonderful instructors today!

P/oP has certified instructors who work with clients of all ages and abilities including handicapped, athletes, young adults and seniors.

P/oP Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together!

P/oP has couples rocking their cores every week. Book a date with your loved one today and stay together

Sarah and Dan Rothenberg work out every Friday afternoon with Maria

Sarah and Dan Rothenberg work out every Friday afternoon with Maria

We currently have available openings for these semi-private sessions with great instructors! Any level is welcome, everything we do is tailored to your personal abilities.

Pilates of Pasadena has so much to offer;  private classes where you get one-on-one instruction, semi-private group classes, or classes of two people working on a common goal. Let us know what you're interested in, and we will put you in the right group!

Whatever your preference, we will find a style and instructor that fits your needs.

Get started now!




Spring Into Action

Tuesday Jump Class with Toni at noon

Get your heart rate going and get ready to move.

Jump boards and trampolines attached to reformers transform your Pilates workout into a jumping cardio workout. Jumping horizontally against the springs, rather than fighting gravity, provides low impact to joints while using your core to stabilize the body.

This is a 40-minute class. $25.00



Thursdays at noon with Charletha

Charletha utilizes small props, (i.e., small balls and 18” dowel sticks) for closed chain movements. This class is a combination of Pilates mat work and stretching, as well as an emphasis on joint articulation, fascia release and standing balance.

The goal is to increase overall core strength, achieve better functional range of motion in joint structures, and maintain overall body movement and balance awareness.

This is a great class

for anyone, especially older adults who wish to remain fit and maintain a full range of motion.


“ I see so many of us lose our balance as we age, any way to continue to improve our balance will ultimately prevent injuries caused from falling “ — Maria

Find diet-friendly munchies

While there are lots of good-for-you and your family foods out there, some key ingredients make it a lot easier to keep your weight or meet your weight-loss goals.

Next grocery store run,

be sure to load these 3 diet-friendly items in your cart:

1 - balsamic vinegar (it adds a pop of low-cal flavor to veggies and salads)

2 - in-shell nuts (their protein and fiber keep you satiated)

3 - fat-free plain yogurt (a creamy, comforting source of protein)

Find a Workout Buddy

A fitness friend is hugely helpful for keeping motivated,


it's important to find someone who will inspire - not discourage.

Make a list

of all your exercise-loving friends and then see who fits this criteria such as; Can your pal meet to exercise on a regular basis? Is he/she supportive (not disparaging) of your goals?

And last, will your bud be able to keep up with you or even push your limits in key workouts? Now that’s a buddy!

If you've got someone that fits all three, make that phone call and we will see you both at your next Pilates workout.