Pilates can Help with Sciatic Nerve Pain

It's not always possible to prevent sciatica, but practicing a few good habits can play a key role in protecting your back.


Exercise in general is good, but Pilates is excellent in helping bring balance to the muscles of the back, hips, and abdominal muscles to realign the body.

A Pilates session

will teach proper body mechanics to support the body in sitting, standing, and walking.

Functional exercise improves posture, and good body mechanics, which are important to keep your back strong and healthy and reducing the risk of sciatica. 

  • If you stand for extended periods, rest one foot on a low stool or box from time to time. Pay special attention that your hips stay level when doing this.

  •  When lifting heavy objects, bend at the hips and knees making sure to keeping your spine straight and your abdominal muscles pulled in.

  •  Always hold the load close to your body and avoid lifting and twisting at the same time.

  •  Try to maintain a healthy weight

  •  Sit in an upright correct position


How do you manage sciatica? Do you know any other exercises or tricks for dealing with sciatic nerve pain? Tell us in the comments.

Attention Instructors!

Invest in yourself and expand your knowledge

while attending our

Low Back Workshops presented


Karen Clippinger, MSPE.

Sign up today!

October 20, 2019 - 10am – 1pm Low Back Pain & Pilates:

Flexion Based Programs (3 PMA CECs)

Low back pain is prevalent and the same Pilates exercise can aid or aggravate different clients. This workshop will focus on understanding the common low back conditions of lumbosacral strain, spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis, as well as why spinal flexion can aid and spinal extensions aggravate them. Participants will learn novel Pilates-based exercises and modifications for classical Pilates exercises designed to build necessary three dimensional core strength that emphasize flexion and neutral positions, while avoiding excessive spinal hyperextension

October 20, 2019 - 2pm – 5pm Low Back Pain & Pilates:

Extension Based Programs (3 PMA CECs)

This workshop will focus on understanding the common low back conditions of disc injury, flat back, and osteoporosis, as well as why spinal flexion can exacerbate these conditions. Participants will learn novel Pilates-based exercises and modifications for classical Pilates exercises designed to build necessary core strength to promote a healthy back that emphasize the use of extension and neutral positions, while avoiding excessive flexion.

Investment: $200 for full day (includes both topics) prior to 9/20/19; $250 after

About Karen Clippinger:

She has a masters degree in exercise science and is a professor emerita at California State University, Long Beach, where her course topics included anatomy, body placement and Pilates for dancers. Prior to her University employment, she worked clinically for 20 years with a wide range of clients in sports medicine clinics and at Loma Linda University Medical Center. Ms. Clippinger has lectured for BASI Pilates for 21 years and has given over 400 presentations for numerous prestigious organizations at various international and U.S. sites, authored a textbook titled Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology, co-authored Pilates Anatomy, and has several classes on Pilates Anytime.

To enroll Contact us at:

T: (626) 765-6500

E: info@pilatesofpasadena.com

VOTE P/oP for Best Pilates Studio 2019!

Please take the time to vote for you favorite Pilates Studio.  ( hint.. hint..)

Don’t forget to also vote for your favorite coffee houses, restaurants, etc.. Any businesses you support would appreciate your vote of confidence.

You can vote online at https://www.pasadenaweekly.com

Or if you prefer you can cast your vote at our studio, we have printed forms for your convenience.

If you missed our blog on Friday with Abby Hanson and her upcoming class with the Yamuna Balls please go on the website and check out further information. Abby is now available for private Yamuna sessions. Look for group classes coming in September.

August and September tend to be the hottest months here in Southern California just a  reminder to stay HYDRATED and use lots of sunscreen if you will be outdoors.

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