Foot Health: Don't Tiptoe Around its Importance

We all know how to keep our biceps in shape, but few of us know how to keep feet and toes in good condition.

They take significant abuse from the hours we spend on our feet each day.  

The American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) considers your feet a marvel of engineering.  Together, your two feet contain more than 50 bones, accounting for about one-fourth of all the bones in your body. And somehow they also make room for more than 60 joints and 200 muscles, tendons, and ligaments that hold them together and help them move.

The American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society recommends doing these simple exercises to strengthen toes and prevent foot discomfort.

All shoe wearers will benefit from these exercises.

Toe raise, point and curl:

Hold each position for five seconds and repeat 10 times. Great if you suffer from toe cramps.

Golf ball roll:

Roll a golf ball under the ball of the foot for two minutes.
This is a great massage for the bottom of the foot and is recommended for people
with plantar fasciitis (heel pain), arch strain or foot cramps.

Towel curls

Place a small towel on the floor and curl it toward you using only your toes.
You can increase the resistance by putting a weight on the end of the towel.
Relax and repeat this exercise five times.

Try these exercises recommendations the next time your feet cry mutiny.

You’ll soon be stepping lively again!

For more information on foot health go to:


Instructor - Brittany Barnes

Health and well-being have always been a passion for Brittany Barnes, who grew up involved with sports that included figure skating and volleyball.

It was while living in Chicago and London that she discovered and fell in love with Pilates. Eventually she relocated to Los Angeles.

Brittany believes Pilates is truly for everyone and there is no one size fits all approach. She uses contemporary methods to create challenging and fun workouts for any client regardless of age, level or injury. Helping clients achieve their goals is what motivates her on a daily basis.

Brittany is certified through Body Arts and Sciences International (BASI). She studied at BASI headquarters in Costa Mesa, under Rael Isacowitz, the founder of BASI. Brittany continues to expand her education through daily practice, workshops and seminars.

Call (626)765-6500 or email us to schedule an appointment with Brittany today!

Perfect Podcast Workout Companions

Whether driving, exercising, cleaning, cooking or working, a podcast is the perfect companion that will leave you with even more knowledge than an encyclopedia and give you more clarity and perspective than you’ll know what to do with.

We are lucky enough to live in a world where the opportunities for learning are as infinite as they are accessible.

So many books, journal articles, blog posts and webinars are all available at our fingertips. We recommend listening to our favorite Go-To podcasts no matter what you are doing for continued learning.

Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash

Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Her real talk tips and tricks on cultivating happiness through daily actions and habits are a breath of fresh air and with every episode you can always feel a little happier. Gretchen has been interviewed by Oprah, walked arm-in-arm with the Dalai Lama and written a New York Times best Seller.

Stuff You Should Know

From insomnia and probiotics to personality types and claustrophobia, no topic is off limits in this podcast that humorously and intellectually delves into a ton of random topics that will leave your brain even fuller than your belly on Thanksgiving Day. You’ll love all the episode topics! Shout out to episode 612 “Do objects or experiences make us happier” for the perspective.

Achievement VS. Fulfillment – Tony Robbins

The best-selling author, motivational speaker and overall amazing human needs no introduction, Tony is known for creating change and success in minutes, and this particular episode is no exception. Breaking down the significant difference between the science of achievement and the art of fulfillment, he expertly explains why success without fulfillment is ultimate failure. Warning, you won’t be able to listen to it just once.

What is your favorite Podcast? Let us know in the comments below!

Urban Chicken Keeping 101

Great class to attend at McDonalds Urban Farm in Altadena!! This class will cover all you need to know to start raising your own backyard urban chickens.


Class includes a farm to table snack and a farm tour for $25.

Adults and children age 8+ welcome.

Sign up at:


Fly the Friendly Skies... of Pasadena's Peekaboo Galleries

The Peekaboo Gallery, a new experiential gallery,

located at 40 Mills Place in Old Pasadena, will be lifting off its next exhibition,

“Welcome Aboard The Friendly Skies: The Art of High Altitude Travel,” on Saturday, August 18. 

 The Friendly Skies exhibit will showcase the finest heirlooms of 100 years of air travel in a striking Jumbo Jet stage set, featuring vintage airline memorabilia and collectibles from a time when traveling aboard a luxury airliner was a magical experience.   

The exhibition, which is on until September 23, will bring together original lithographs and paintings of classic travel art, industrial and commercial aircraft models, and high-flying haute couture in a flight attendant fashion show.

For more information, visit or

Instructor: Abby Hanson

Abby Hanson has been studying yoga and pilates for twenty years. 

Her inspiration is always aging gracefully and living free from pain.  

Abby believes in restorative movement and recently began teaching yamuna ball rolling.  YBR is ball rolling therapy that combines the release of massage with the strengthening and toning of exercise, providing an effortless workout and a deep stretch. 

The balls

apply traction that frees up connective tissue, reeducates muscles, stimulates bones, and leads to fully releasing negative holding patterns in the body. 

YBR is the perfect compliment to Pilates exercise. 

If you are interested please look for future classes at Pilates of Pasadena towards the end of September, or contact Abby for private YBR instruction today. 

Tuesday Tip

Plagued by sinus problems?  Invest in a Neti Pot!

Photo Credit: Braydon Anderson on Unsplash

The basic explanation of how the Neti pot therapy works is, that it uses a salt and water solution to thin mucus and help flush out the nasal passages.

  • Rinse your nasal passages twice a day to flush out pollen and other irritants. 
  • Put saline solution (a 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1 cup warm water) in a plastic squirt bottle or a nasal irrigator, a spouted container that allows you to pour water directly into your nose. 
  • The solution should fill your nasal cavity and spill out the other nostril. 
  • Gently blow your nose afterward.

Jake’s Favorite Mexican Roadside Inspired Summer Snack

Occasionally my sons and I stop after school and pick up the fruit snack the Mexican vendors sell on the side of the road. 

My mother used to make this for us growing up and now I make our version at home for my kids. It's Jake's favorite. 

Ingredients vary as this weekend, I used what was at hand in our refrigerator:

In a large bowl add,

Celery stalks cut to 1 1/2 bite sizes and Carrots sliced on a diagonal

Avocados cut into bite sized chunks and Cucumbers sliced

Add lots of fresh squeezed lime

Our home version we add Olive oil, Sea salt plus Mexican red pepper seasoning, we use "Tajin" 

The Traditional Roadside dish would also include a blend of the following ingredients:

  • Watermelon
  • Melon
  • Mango
  • Jicama

It's healthy and refreshing on a hot summer day! Enjoy.


Father's Day

We celebrate all our Pilates Men!

Pilates can be a great workout for men at any age.

The practice incorporates all the elements of healthy physical movement: breath, posture, strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility.

Guys need to be able to move, too, so beards and chest hair are just as welcome and encouraged in the studio as are yoga pants.

We notice that men return to our studio after they discover the benefits of Pilates as physical therapy or chiropractic patients. When they see Pilates in real life they have to try it, and once they try it, they are usually hooked on the sense of well being and feeling stronger. And, who doesn't like that feeling?

If you strength train, play golf or tennis, or participate in any aerobic physical activity, the basic Pilates exercise routine will complement any excercise you do by improving spinal mobility, core strength and posture.

Just like Joseph Pilates, you too might just begin feeling

like a better, stronger man.

Tuesday Tip - Stay Hydrated

Next time you’re playing a game, hiking, working out or going for a walk, think about taking along vacuum-insulated water bottles.  

They can boost hydration by keeping water cold and refreshing up to 24 hours, and they’ll keep hot drinks hot for up to 5-6 hours.


According to the April Fitness Journal, the bottles work this magic by including two chambers: a water compartment and surrounding Vacuum-channel insulation. Meeting requirements for style, function and eco friendliness, these vacuum-insulated water bottles offer a fun, effective way to hydrate.

Photo Credit: izzy-gerosa-80667-unsplash.jpg


Significance of Poppies / Memorial Day

Memorial Day is often seen as the start of summer.

People make plans for barbecues, picnics and perhaps head to the beach.

In our varied communities people still honor the true meaning behind the holiday.


Memorial Day is a day to honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military.  According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Memorial Day started out in 1868 as “Decoration Day” and was observed on May 30.  It is believed that date was chosen because flowers would be in bloom all over the country,” according to the website,

Flowers are an important symbol of Memorial Day. 

Many people leave flowers on the graves of fallen veterans. And one flower, in particular, has come to represent the somber holiday.

The poppy is officially recognized as a symbol of remembrance.

The Memorial Day we celebrate today was merged with the wearing of poppies in 1915 after the publication of the poem,  In Flander’s Field, by Lt. Colonel John McCrae, following the second battle of Ypres.

Pilates of Pasadena staff thank all of our military personnel and veterans for their service to our country.

A copy of the poem can be found at the end of this blog.

Photo Credit: laurentiu-iordache-568420-unsplash.jpg

In Flander’s Field

By Lt. Col. John McCrae, 1915

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly,

Scarce heard amid the guns below.


We are the dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow.,

Loved, and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields


Take up our quarrel with the foe

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields


Yamuna Body Rolling is coming to P/oP

Our very own Pilates Instructor Abby Hanson

has recently been certified in Yamuna and will be teaching classes here at Pilates of Pasadena.  

What is Yamuna Body Rolling? 

  • YBR is a ball rolling therapy that combines the release of massage with the strengthening and toning of exercise, providing an effortless workout and a deep stretch. 

  • The balls apply traction that frees up connective tissue, reeducates muscles, stimulates bones, and leads to fully releasing negative holding patterns in the body.  

  • YBR heals deep body problems at the same time that help you get in shape.  In the traditional class format YBR uses balls to lengthen muscle, stimulate bone and open up joints for a healthier more sustainable happy body. 

If you have ever used a foam roller for self healing, think about how much more specific you can get with a ball!  The balls also offer a different density than the foam rollers and many people find them to be more effective for release technique.

Private lessons can also accomplish deep tissue release and can be personalized to target habitual body patterns.

Its fun and compliments the Pilates traditional program.

Please look for classes in June.  Private lessons will also be available.  

To find out more about Abby Hanson Click on Our Story or go to go to