Wolf Mountain Sanctuary

Maria and family recently visited Wolf Mountain Sanctuary. 

It is a sanctuary for rescued wolves located in Palmdale, and is primarily dedicated to saving the threatened species while lending a helping hand to at-risk local youth. It is also one of the few wolf sanctuaries that hosts interactive wolf educational tours.

Everyone learned about the wolves, about their life in the wild and most importantly, why save the wolf?

A wolf is so noble, so beautiful.

The wolves, as well as other endangered species, are ecological indicators.  It is by studying these species and learning how to preserve them that we learn the main factors affecting our environment.

Visit the organization's website to learn more.


Yes, you get to actually touch a wolf and could most likely get kissed by a wolf … if you want to!!





You can't buy your Mother's Love

Mother’s day will soon be here,

which means

it’s time to start thinking about how you are going to

cement your place as your mom’s favorite child. 

It's true...

that you can’t buy your mother's love – but we can help you by getting her the perfect gift.... we suggest a Pilates of Pasadena Gift Card to show your love. 




Call (626)765-6500 or email us to place your order.

Photo by J-S Romeo on Unsplash

Love our Planet on Earth Day

Pasadena Earth Day

Saturday, April 21, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Armory Center for the Arts

For more information call: 626-229-9570

Or click here:


Celebrate Earth Day with an festival at two adjacent locations -- Pasadena Memorial Park for outdoor activities and, across the street, the Armory Center for the Arts for indoor activities. 

The festival features information booths about local grassroots environmental efforts and hands-on workshops, demonstrations, and interactive activities to learn about sustainable practices that include storm water harvesting, water-wise gardening, bike repair, healthy recipe demonstrations, clean energy options, and electric vehicles. 

Visitors can join in zumba dancing and drum circle beats while also listening to live music. 

Food trucks on hand too!
