Sign up Now! Yamuna Body Rolling Classes

New Yamuna Body Rolling

Find lightness and length in your body with Abby Hanson & Yamuna Body Rolling by scheduling your class today.

Yamuna Body Rolling (YBR) is a simple and effective method to release and elongate muscles, joints and tendons that have been compromised by years of overuse.

YBR is a ball rolling therapy that combines the release of massage with the strengthening and toning of exercise, providing an effortless workout and a deep stretch. The balls apply traction that frees up connective tissue, reeducates muscles, stimulates bones, and leads to fully releasing negative holding patterns in the body.

Next Class dates: February 10, and February 24.

Sign up now! Class size is limited to 6 attendees.

To book class appointments go to

or Contact Abby Hanson today to schedule your appointment: 608-280-1888