It’s time to rediscover the undeniable benefits of mat work!
Are you just getting started with Pilates and wonder whether you want to take Pilates mat classes or try an equipment class?
Do you love equipment classes and wonder if you need, or are neglecting, your mat classes?
If you have the opportunity to use equipment, that's great, but don't knock the mat.
The equipment is definitely symbolic of Pilates, however that doesn't mean a good old fashioned mat class isn't worth your time.
Just about every benefit the Pilates method has to offer can be achieved through mat work.
Mat Classes give you the Benefits.
Benefits include a total core workout, but mat classes are not limited to just toning, improving flexibility, bettering posture and using more efficient movement, along with the body/mind connection.
Mat Classes cover the Basics.
Learn the integral basics such as neutral spine, properly engaged core, shoulder and pelvic stability, along with full breathing. Learning these basics on the mat, where there are fewer things to keep up, with makes it that much easier to use when you are on the equipment.
Mat Classes set you up for Success.
A mat class will give you the support to stick with it plus the instructor feedback you need to make sure you are doing everything right to reach your goals and to keep on going.
Mat Skills Are Equipment Skills.
All mat exercises teach skills that translate and relate directly to the equipment exercises.
Join us for P/oP Mat Classes on:
Saturday March 17th at 8am
Sunday March 18th at 9am